Join Rong Tuli Online Exhibition
Udaipur art festival 3Days Art Exhibition
6th All Tripura Art Exhibition ( Child ) organised by - Rong Tuli GUIDE LINES: 1. Drawing Size: Maximum quarter sheet of Chart paper 2. Painting will not eccept without mount and framing. 3. Last Date of Received the paintings on 15 june, 2024. 5. Maximum Two Artwork allowed per child artist. 6. Registration Fee / Donation 600/- 7. Acceptence of the entries - Rong Tuli will have full right to refuse entry without any discussen. 8. Submission of Selected Art works - Participants must be submit their drawing with frame previous date of exhibition on exhibition hall. 9. Return of exhibits - Exhibits can be taken back last date of exhibition. 10. Exhibits should be handed over & taken back at the own risk of the artist.